Portrait Photography Beginner Tips

Portrait Photography Beginner Tips

Regardless of the lighting choice, a good portrait photographer should have a good understanding of light and be able to control it to create images that are aesthetically pleasing and that capture the subject's personality and emotions.

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The Business of Photography: Challenges and Difficulties

The Business of Photography: Challenges and Difficulties

Photography is a popular and lucrative profession in the United States, but the business of photography can be challenging and difficult for a number of reasons. From competition to the rapidly changing technology, you as a photographer can face a range of difficulties that can impact your success. Understanding these challenges and learning how to overcome them is essential for any photographer looking to build a successful career.

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10 Most Common Rules in Photography

10 Most Common Rules in Photography

The rule of thirds: Divide the frame into thirds both horizontally and vertically, placing the subject along one of the lines or at the intersection of two.

Lead room: Leave space in front of a moving subject to show its direction of movement.

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10 Tips for Capturing Stunning Landscape Photos

10 Tips for Capturing Stunning Landscape Photos

Landscape photography is a popular and challenging genre that requires a combination of technical and creative skills. Whether you're a beginner or an experienced photographer, there are always new tips and tricks to improve your landscape photos. In this blog post, we'll share 10 tips to help you capture stunning landscape photos that will stand out from the crowd.

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The Importance of Aperture Settings in Photography
Photography Techniques MIRZA BABIC Photography Techniques MIRZA BABIC

The Importance of Aperture Settings in Photography

Aperture is one of the most important settings in photography and has a significant impact on the final image. It determines the size of the opening in the lens through which light enters the camera, and affects the depth of field and overall look of the image. Understanding the impact of aperture settings and how to use them creatively can greatly enhance your photography skills.

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Natural Light Photography
Photography Techniques MIRZA BABIC Photography Techniques MIRZA BABIC

Natural Light Photography

Photography is all about capturing light, and one of the most captivating forms of light is natural light. The soft, warm glow of the sun, the dramatic shadows of a cloudy day, or the twinkling of stars in the night sky all provide unique opportunities to create stunning images. Natural light photography is the art of capturing these moments, capturing the beauty of life through light.

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Your first 10,000 photographs are your worst.
— Henri Cartier-Bresson